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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Error 1327: Issue Due To An Invalid Drive!

Usually, Windows users encounter Error 1327. This error may occur during the installation of a software. The computer may refer the home’s hard drive (“H”), which is either not installed or inaccessible by the installation process. Finally, the installation process will search for operating system components in the computer and will not find them in the expected places, which will result in the occurrence of Error 1327.

If you’re thinking of disabling the non-existing drive from the Control Panel, then let us tell you that it will not do any good. You need to do it in the following manner.

  • Go to ‘My Computer’
  • Open the non-existent drive (usually, H drive) and go to ‘Hardware’ option
  • Remove the hard drive from Windows Explorer
  • Next, select ‘Run as Administrator’ from ‘Start’ menu.
  • It will show you a prompt, where you need to type- Net Use s: servernamesharename
  • Go to Windows Explorer again, and to ‘Map Network Drive’ from there.
  • It will open up a folder, where you have to choose “s:network Drive” and type in ‘servernamesharename’. This will permanently, remove the hard drive that was causing the trouble.

Resolve Error 1327 that appears during the installation of Microsoft Office
  • Select ‘Program’ from the ‘Start’ menu
  • Go to ‘Administrative Tools’ folder and select ‘Disk Administrator’.
  • Right click on the invalid drive and choose the option of ‘Click Assign Drive Letter’.
  • Change the drive letter to the correct one and click on ‘Ok’.
  • Restart your computer, run the Microsoft Office set up and the error will be removed.
So, you have seen the manual method of intervening and resolving Error 1327. If you come across this error, try to fix it yourself, with the help of the above steps.

This post is sponsored by ElenaChris. Apart from writing she also makes review on latest online technology in Internet. Mytechgurus has come up with new techniques resulting in hassle free "user/computer" relationship.

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