Hard drive is an area that stores all your personal files, even if you have deleted certain files, you can fetch them from the hard drive of your PC. So, if you think that your personal identity is safe after deleting the files, then you are wrong. Every work you perform on your computer will let another user retrieve from the hard drive. So, in order to be less vulnerable, you need to delete your files permanently from the system, you have worked on. There are certain hard drive cleaners to erase your data permanently. Go on, to find a brief detail about each of them.
Privacy control:
Privacy control is the kind of hard drive cleaning software that can be easily installed. You can have a customized set up with this software, according to the level of expertise you are convenient with. Privacy control digs up the files to a high extent and you will be able to view the files, while the deletion process is going on.
There are no applications that can be missed out, during the scanning process of Privacy Control, right from the media players to e-mails.
The scanning pattern has 3 levels: Quick, Safe, and Thorough. Thorough is the one that is specifically used for military purposes.
Evidence Eraser:
Evidence Eraser would have been the first in the category, if Privacy Control wouldn’t have taken the first place. This hard driver cleaner charges $97 and it is preferred by many computer repair organizations to clear data from the hard drives. It ensures the privacy of your data too.
It is a renowned fact that Defense department has strict policies of privacy protection, and Evidence Eraser is often preferred by the Defense department. Now, you may understand its level of importance. This hard drive cleaner has a simple user interface, the user can choose which files he wants to retain and which are the ones that he wants to remove forever.
Evidence Smart:
Evidence Smart is another effective hard drive cleaner that is used to clear the browsing history from your hard drive. You can use the trial version of this software and see, if you want to use it further. There are frequent updates available with Evidence Smart; this helps you to stay updated about the latest trends of the software.
It has a feature called ‘one-click operation’. This feature is very comfortable with the beginners, as they want something simple and efficient, to remove their data.
We would like to give you a tip, if you have an idea to sell your computer, then do use any of these software to remove your files permanently. This will leave no chances of you being vulnerable to any of the mischief makers.
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